Sunday, September 5, 2010

Block one - The Circle Game

This was a bit easier than I thought - even tho the points in the middle were a bit tricky - nothing that a good dose of steam will not fix.

Now that I have dealt with this I had better do the apron as promised.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Let the game begin...

I had a lovely surprise yesterday - the first package for the next BOM arrived.

'The Circle Game' by Jenny Kingwell of Amitié.

This leaves me with one issue - do I make the apron as promised or jump straight into the 1st block....

Photos Green Tea Sweet Beans

Good morning, it is not a good day for photography - I can not get the the line to hang this so that you can get a good view and hanging against the window doesn't work as - 1 not enough front light or 2 to much back light.

I did like the flower garden at the bottom
Do you like the combination of the backing? I think it works very well...

On the bed - this may not be the its final home - shh that might be a secret...

Thursday, September 2, 2010

GTSB BOM finished...

Great to put the last stitch in place, will get some pics over the next couple of days if our weather is fine enough.

The binding drama was resolved by just joining it all even tho half of the fabric was on the other angle. bloody 45º things...
